Jānis Žilde on four «Jersika Records» label’s releases
Ēriks Miezis on Ella Zīriņa’s trio debut album «Intertwined»
Staņislavs Judins on two short but conceptually and substantively rich albums: «through the light» and «Sējējs»
Ēriks Miezis on the fresh perspective on Latvian folk songs by Big Band of the Latvian Navy Orchestra
Ilmārs Priede on a new album «Textures» by Kristīne Prauliņa & «Soulful Crew»
Evilena Protektore on the new ethno-jazz album by Māris Briežkalns Quintet — «Latgalian Evergreens»
Aleksandra Line contemplates on whether Latvian pride in folk heritage manifest in jazz music as well
Krists Saržants on “Songs without Words» — Raimonds Pauls’ music from the past through the present into the future
Kaspars Zaviļeiskis on the «Jason Hunter Baltic Quartet» album «ImagiNation»
Jānis Žilde on an album by an Estonian guitarist Ruslan PX and a funk band from Riga, «FunCOOLio,» — «Play Bossa – Nova»
Aleksandra Line searches for Latvians in the historical «JAZZ-kvadrat» magazine
Irita Kalēja & Jānis Ivuškāns on relentless work, endless ideas, transformations, and dreams that, on Pegasus wings, soar ever higher
Arta Jēkabsone on dancing on the roof, fateful encounters, unplanned recordings, living in the bubble of stress…
Matīss Žilinskis & Jurģis Lipskis on going to America and realizing that Latvians are a unique nation
Indriķis Veitners & Kārlis Vanags on celebrating Gunārs Rozenbergs’ 75th anniversary, honoring the oldest generation of Latvian jazz, and the latest album «Linda» by the Latvian Radio Big Band
International team of educators on this year’s successes and challenges of «Ventspils Groove» festival
Santa Šillere on «Voicingers on Tour» in its third year in Riga — new venue, new teachers, Latvians singing in Chinese, and other exciting things
Maija Moira Mazanova on taking risks and hosting jams at «M/Darbnīca» simultaneously with a grand jazz festival and the Latvian ethnic «overlords»
Guna Pūcīte-Skujāne & Adams Vaicis on the second year of the «Džeztivāls» and how it flourishes with new collaborations and beautiful music
Aleksandra Line on the bold ventures and Latvian conceptualism at graduation exams for Academy students
Aleksandra Line taking a look back at the fifth Šķiuņa Jazz festival in Lūznava Manor
Evilena Protektore on Latvia’s jazz splendor at Rīga’s most prominent jazz and improvised music festival, «Rīgas Ritmi 2023»
Evilena Protektore sharing daily notes from the «Saulkrasti Jazz» festival camp